Omaze Free Entry UK [2024]

Guys! I’ve been getting a lot of questions from readers about Omaze recently. Some residents are curious if it’s a legitimate site or a scam. Others are wondering if the house draws are for real, and if there’s a way to enter for free. Can I help answer any of these questions for you?

Here’s a step-by-step step process how it works:

Omaze UK Free Entry [How to enter omaze for free]: 

Entering the Omaze prize draw without spending is easy, although the details are fairly well hidden on the Omaze UK website.

To enter the dream home contest for free, follow these guides:

  • Bring a blank piece of paper or a postcard.
  • Write your full name and address on it (including postcode and city).
  • Write your phone number (this is optional).
  • Write your email address.
  • Detail which prize draw you are entering (i.e., Omaze Million Pound House Draw – Norfolk).
  • If you are using a piece of paper, put it in an envelope.

Send it to:

  • Omaze Scrutineers – (Insert the name of the draw, ie, Norfolk House Draw)
  • Civica Election Services
  • 33 Clarendon Road
  • London
  • N8 0NW

Ensure you follow the guidelines carefully, as you will not be informed if your entry is invalid.

And don’t forget to add a stamp!


  • You must be 18 or older to enter Omaze UK draws.
  • You can only enter per draw once, whether you join for free or pay.
  • Winners are drawn randomly at the end of the contest period.
  • Omaze will contact you directly if you win.

Overall, while an Omaze UK free entry method is available, it needs more effort than simply entering online. Buying entries online might be more suitable if you’re not keen on sending postcards or don’t mind spending a little.


Has anyone won omaze with free entry uk

Yes, absolutely! While the odds of winning any contest are inherently low, numerous confirmed cases of people winning Omaze UK draw prizes with free postal entries have been confirmed. Here are some examples:

  • Kevin Johnson: In 2023, Kevin Johnson, a postman himself, won a stunning £3 million London house through a free postal entry in the Omaze Million Pound House Draw. His story received significant media attention, highlighting the legitimacy of the free entry option.
  • Several Omaze winners throughout the years: Omaze UK showcases stories of past winners on their official website. While not every story explicitly says their entry method, several winners clearly state they used the free postal entry choice. You can find their stories on the Omaze UK Winners page:

What are the odds of winning omaze uk

Unfortunately, Omaze UK doesn’t publish the exact odds of winning their contests, so it’s unthinkable to give you a clear answer. The odds vary per draw prize, depending on the popularity of the prize and how many entries are received.

How many times can you enter omaze for free

The number of times you can enter Omaze UK Draws for free depends on the specific draw and how you decide to enter:

Free Entries:

  • Alternative Method of Entry: You can submit this form as often as you like online per draw, gaining 2,000 entries per submission. However, each draw may have a maximum Entry Limit, so please check the official Draw rules for details.
  • Social media promotions: Omaze sometimes runs advertisements on social media where you can get more free entries by sharing or liking their posts.

Paid Entries:

  • Donating: You can donate any amount and welcome entries proportional to your contribution. However, there’s still a maximum Entry Limit per draw, even with donations.

What Happens If My Free Entry Wins The Omaze Prize Draw?

If your postal entry is fortunate enough to be selected as the winner, you will be informed of the win the same way you would if you had paid for your ticket.

There’s nothing to pay or purchase to secure your prize; it will all be controlled by Civica and the Omaze team.

Omaze is keen to point out that when entering by post, you are secured by the same terms and conditions and official Omaze draw rules as paid entries.

Remember, though, you won’t be helping that month’s nominated charity by submitting a free entry.

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